Friday December 22nd 2017

A)40min EMOM
1 Rope Climb
10 Cal Bike
10 Wall Balls

6 DH Pull Ups
10 Burpees

Thursday December 21st 2017

2 PC
2 DL

6 Military Press
Alt With
6 Box Jumps AHAP

C)12min EMOM
100' Sled Push
10 Cal Ski

Wednesday December 20th 2017

6/sd DB Split Squats

6/sd Single Arm KB Rows
Alt With
10 Cal Bike

6 Triceps Skull Crushers
Alt With
10 Cal Row

Tuesday December 19th 2017

A)18min EMOM
6 Incline DB Chest Press
12 T2B
2 Atlas Stone Lifts

B)18min EMOM
6 KB Swing Clean/Press
6 DB Curls
15 SB HC

Monday December 18th 2017

10 Back Squats
10 Push Ups

10 Cal Ski
20 J.Lunges

C)10Min EMOM
10 Kipping Pull Ups
40 Zeus Rope DBL Unders

Friday December 15th 2017

A)45min Constant Work
3 min Row
3min Bike
3min AMRAP
50' Rope Pull
50' Sled Push

Thursday December 14th 2017

A)18min EMOM (add wt if you feel like you can but not til last 3 sets) 6/sd Single Arm DB Rows 12 Step Down Box Jumps 6 BB DL B)12min EMOM 40 Zeus Rope DBL Unders Alt With 10 Wall Balls C)10sec on 50sec off Max Intensity Bike Sprints D)4 Sets 10/sd DB Ext Rotations

Wednesday December 13th 2017

1 Clean/Push Jerk
5 Back Squats
1 Split Jerk
5 Front Squats

1min Rest

C)8min Ski @ Mod/High Int

Tuesday December 12th 2017

A)Every 2:30/6 Sets
6 Pull Ups

B)Every 2:30/6 Sets
6 Dips
12 Reverse Back Ext

C)12min EMOM
2 Rope Climbs to 15'
Alt With
100' Med Ball Carry

Monday December 11th 2017

A)Find a 3RM
Front Squat

B)Every 2:15
6 Bent Over BB Rows
6 DB Chest Press

C)Every 3min/5 Sets
200m Row
10 Burpees

Wednesday December 6th 2017

A)Every 1:15/6 Sets
2 Rope Climbs @ 15' Alt With 6 Box Jumps AHAP B)Every 1:15/6 Sets Over Shoulder Atlas Stone Throws Alt With 5 Dips C)16min EMOM 100' Hand Farmer Carry Alt with 45sec Bridge

Tuesday December 5th 2017

)Every 1:30/8 Sets 1 Push Jerk 1 Split Jerk B)Every 2min/7 Sets 6 GHD HC 6 Incline DB Chest Press C)For Time: 75 Push Ups 150 KBS 300 DBL Unders

Monday December 4th 2017

A)Every 1:30/8-10 Sets
2 Muscle Cleans 2 Hang Squat Clean 2 Front Squats 3 Push Press B)Every 2min/6 Sets 5/sd SB Step Ups C)E2M/5 Sets 10 T2B 5 Kipping Pull Ups

Friday December 1st 2017

40min EMOM 30sec Ski Erg (easy pace) 16 J.Lunges 15 Push Ups 15 KB Russian Swings 2 Rope Climbs to 15' B)4 Setss 7/sd DB External Shoulder Rotations

Thursday November 30th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 7 Back Squats B)Every 1:30/6 Sets 3 DH C2B Pull Ups Alt With 5 GHD HC
C)Every 1:30/6 Sets 7 Incline DB Chest Press Alt With 7 Back Extensions

Wednesday November 28th 2017

A)E2M/6 Sets 7 Triceps Dips 15 Wall Balls B)E2M/6R
10 HSPU 75 DBL Unders C)2000m Row For Time:

Tuesday November 28th 2017

A)Every 1:30/8-10 Sets 1 Hang Squat Clean
1 Squat Clean
2 Front Squats B)E2M/6R 7 BB SLDL C)E3M/5R
10 Kipping Pull Ups
10 Bar Touch Burpees

Monday November 27th 2017

A)Every 2min/7 Sets 7/sd DB Split Squats B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 3 Bench Press Alt With 10 Alternating Hanging Knees to Elbows C)12min EMOM 5/sd KB Cleans
Alt With

Friday November 24th 2017

A)30min AMRAP 30 Cal Bike
30 T2B 30 Cal Row
30 Push Ups 30 Cal Ski 30 J.Lunges/Step Back Lunges

Thursday November 23rd 2017

A)E2M/6R 10 Kipping Pull Ups 8 Box Jump Overs B)E3M/6R 50' Rope Sled Pull 10 Burpees 50' Sled Push

Wednesday November 22nd 2017

A)Find a 3RM Front Squat B)E2:30/7R 5 Bench Press 5 BB SLDL C)4 Sets 5/sd DB Ext Shoulder Rotation

Tuesday November 21st 2017

A)E2M/6R 5 Seated DB SP 100' Med Ball Carry B)E3M/6R 10cal Bike 10 Wall Ball 10 KB Americano's

Monday November 20th 2017

A)Find a 1RM Clean and Split Jerk B)E2M/7R 5 Reverse Grip Pull Ups 50 DBL Unders C)4 Sets 10 Back Ext 30 Toe Touch Planks

Friday November 17th 2017

A)48min Constant Work 3min Bike 3min Row 3min Skip 3min AMRAP 50' Sled Push @ 1.5x Body Wt 5 Burpees 50' Sled Pull @ 1.5x Body Wt

Thursday November 16th 2017

A)E2:30/5S 5 Kipping C2B Pull Ups 5-10 GHD Hamstring Curls B)E2M/5R 5 BB SLDL C)12min EMOM 5 Left Single Arm DB Rows Alt With 5 Right Single Arm DB Rows

Wednesday November 15th 2017

5 Military Press
5 Box Jumps B)E3min/6S 250m Row Sprint (AFAP) 20 Air Squats C)E90sec/4S 5/sd DB Ext Shoulder Rot Alt With 10 Wall Push Leg Drops

Tuesday November 14th 2017

A)E2min/8S 3 Front Squats B)E1:15/6S 2 Rope Climbs to 15' Alt With Max Ring Dips/5 Dips C)12min EMOM 100' Atlas Stone Carry Alt With 10 Bar Touch Burpees

Monday November 13th 2017

1 PWR Clean 1 Hang Squat Clean To Thruster
1 Push Jerk
B)E90sec/6S 5/sd Single Arm KB Row Alt With 5 Bench Press C)10-1 For Time: T2B or Rings HSPU

Thursday November 2nd 2017

A)Every 1:30/8-10sets (2 sets at heaviest wt) 2 Hang Clean to Thruster B)12min EMOM 2 Muscle Ups/5 Kipping Pull Ups Alt With 2-4 Over Shoulder Atlas Stone Throws C)12min EMOM 10 Back Ext Alt With 30-45sec Plank

Wednesday November 1st 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 5/sd BB Front Rack Step Ups B)18min EMOM 5 Dips/Ring Dips 50 DBL Unders 5 BB SLDL

Tuesday October 31st 2017

A)E2M/6R 5 HSPU/5 DB Push Press 10 Kipping C2B B)21
min EMOM 10 Cal Ski 10 T2B 10 KB Americanos

Monday October 30th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 5 BB DL B)Every 2:15/6 Sets 3 Bench Press 2 Rope Climbs to 15' C)5/250m Row Sprints (every 3min)

Friday October 27th 2017

A)42min EMOM 30sec Bike Sprint 1 Rope Climb 30sec Row Sprint Max HSPU/Push Ups 30sec Ski 20 J.Lunges

Wednesday October 25th 2017

A)Every 1:30/10 Sets 2 DL 1 Hang Squat Clean 1 Squat Clean 1 Front Squat B)Every 2min/6 Sets 5/sd DB Step Ups C)Every 1:15/5 Sets 10 Stability Ball In Outs Alt With 100' DB Carry

Tuesday October 24th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 5 Kipping C2B 1 Clean 1 Push Press 1 Push Jerk 1 Split Jerk B)12min EMOM 5/sd KB Snatch Alt With 300' Shuttle Run C)12min EMOM 5 Cal Ski 5 Burpees

Monday October 23rd 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 6/sd KB Front Rack Walking Lunges B)Every 2min/6 Sets 4 Over Shoulder Atlas Stone Throws Max Reps Triceps Dips C)Every 2min/5 Sets 10 T2B
10 Wall Balls

Friday October 20th 2017

A)Every 2min/3 Sets 30sec DBL Unders/Skipping 100' Sled Push B)Every 2min/3 Sets 30sec Bike 30sec Thrusters C)Every 2min/3 Sets 30sec Rowing 30sec Push Ups D)Every 2min/3 Sets 30sec Ski Machine 30sec KBS

Thursday October 19th 2017

Ring Dips/Push Ups
Kipping Pull Ups B)E2M/6R 6 Incline BB CP 6/sd Single Arm DB Rows C)10-1 For Time Burpees Box Jump Overs

Wednesday October 18th 2017

A)Find a 1RM Back Squats B)6 Sets 6 BB SLDL Alt With 6 Ring Rows (3sec tempo) C)E2min/6R 2/15' Rope Climbs 5/30' Box Jumps

Tuesday October 17th 2017

A)Every 1:30/10 Sets 2 PWR Cleans C)6RNDS 100 DBL Unders (approx 1min) 10 HSPU 10 Americanos
1min Rest

Monday October 16th 2017

A)Every 2min/7 Sets 3/sd BB Step Back Lunges B)E1:15/6R 5 DH Reverse Grip Pull Ups Alt With 5 DB Chest Press C)12min EMOM 100' Atlas Stone Carry Alt With 45sec Bridge

Friday October 13th 2017

6/sd BB Front Rack Step Back Lunges
10 Alternating Hanging Knees to Elbows

B)For Time:

30 Burpee C2B Pull Ups 40 Push ups 50 Cal Row 40 Cal Bike 30 Cal Ski

Thursday October 12th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets (build to a heavy wt) 3 Back Squats B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 10 Stability Ball Hamstring Curls Alt With 10' Hanstand Walk Practice/5 DB Shoulder Press C)Every 1:15/6 Sets 6 BB SLDL Alt With 15 Wall Balls

Wednesday October 11th 2017

A)Every 1:30/6 Sets 3 Bench Press Alt With 12 T2B B)24min EMOM 3 Dips (weighted if possible) 3/sd Single Arm KB Snatch 30sec Zeus Rope DBL Unders 6 Reverse Grip Modified Rows

Tuesday October 10th 2017

A)Every 1:30/10 Sets
1 Hang Squat Clean 1 Clean 2 Front Squat B)Every 2:30/6 Sets
4 Atlas Stone Lifts 2 Rope Climb To Rafters C)5RFT
5 HSPU 5 Kipping Pull Ups 20 Air Squats
1min Rest

Friday October 6th 2017

15 Wall Balls
30sec Ski Sprint

2 Rope Climbs
100' Sled Push

20 KB Russian Swings
10 Burpees

3 Atlas Stone Over Shoulder Throws
30sec Bike Sprint

Thursday October 5th 2017

A)18min EMOM Dead Hang Reverse Grip C2B Pull Ups 3 BB Shoulder Press 6 BB SLDL B)12min EMOM 50 Zeus Rope DBL Unders 10 Reverse Hyper Extensions C)10sec on 50sec off Max Intensity Bike Sprints/8 Sets D)4 Sets 10/sd DB Ext Rotations

Wednesday October 4th 2017

A)Every 3min/7 Sets 7 Front Squats B)12min EMOM 7 Left Single Arm DB Rows Alt With 7 Right Single Arm DB Rows C)Every 1:15/6 Sets 45sec Body Wt Hang Alt With 20 Prone Knees To Elbows

Tuesday October 3rd 2017

A)E1:30/8-10R 1 Hang Squat Clean to Thruster 1 PWR Clean 1 Split Jerk B)Every 2:30/6 Sets 10 Kipping Pull Ups 100' Sled Push C)E3M/5R 250m Row Sprint

Monday October 2nd 2017

A)Every 2min/6 Sets 5/sd DB Walking Lunges Alt With
10 T2B B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 10 DB Chest Press 10 Bent Over BB Rows 6-8/sd Bridge DB Drag

Wednesday September 27th 2017

A)Every 1:15/6 Sets2 Rope Climbs @ 15' Alt With 6 Box Jumps AHAP B)Every 1:15/6 Sets Over Shoulder Atlas Stone Throws Alt With 5 Dips C)15min EMOM 100' L Hand Farmer Carry Alt with 100' R Hand Farmer Carry Alt With 45sec Bridge

Tuesday September 26th 2017

A)Every 1:30/8 Sets 1 Military Press 1 Push Press 1 Push Jerk 1 Split Jerk B)Every 2min/7 Sets 6 BB SLDL 6 Incline DB Chest Press C)For Time: 75 Push Ups 150 J.Lunges 300 DBL Unders

Monday September 25th 2017

A)Every 1:30/8-10 Sets
1 Hang Squat Clean
2 Front Squats
3 Push Press B)Every 2min/6 Sets
5/sd SB Step Ups C)2min AMRAP 5 T2B
5 Kipping Pull Ups
5 Burpees

Friday September 22nd 2017

40min EMOM
30sec Ski Erg (easy pace)
16 J.Lunges
15 Push Ups
15 KB Russian Swings
10 Pull Ups/10 Ring Rows

B)4 Setss
7/sd DB External Shoulder Rotations

Thursday September 21st 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets
7 Back Squats

B)Every 1:30/6 Sets
3 DH C2B Pull Ups
Alt With
10 SB HC

C)Every 1:30/6 Sets
7 Incline DB Chest Press
Alt With
7 Back Extensions

Wednesday September 20th 2017

A)Every 1:30/6 Sets
7 Triceps Dips
Alt With
7 HSPU (deficit if needed)

B)Every 1:30/6 Sets
75 DBL Unders
Alt With
15 Wall Balls

C)9min EMOM
7 BB PWR Cleans @ 50%1RM

Tuesday September 19th 2017

A)Every 1:30/6 Sets
Alt With
7 Seated DB Shoulder Press

B)Every 1:30/6 Sets
7 DB Hammer Curls
Alt With
10 Rubber Band Hold Leg Drops

C)8min Max Calories On Bike

Monday September 18th 2017

A)Every 2min/7 Sets 7/sd DB Split Squats B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 3 Bench Press Alt With 10 Alternating Hanging Knees to Elbows C)12min EMOM 7 L Single Arm DB Rows 7 R Single Arm DB Rows

Friday September 15th 2017

2min Ski
2min Skipping
2min AMRAP 10 T2B 10 Push Ups 2min Bike

2min AMRAP
30sec J.Lunges
30sec Plank

Thursday September 14th 2017

A)E2min/7 Sets
6 BB Bent Over Rows B)5min AMRAP 5 C2B 5 Burpees 10 Cal Row 2:30 rest 3 cycles

Wednesday September 13th 2017

A)Find a 3RM Front Squat B)E2M/7 Sets 5 Bench Press 5 BB SLDL C)E2M/5 Sets
5 Biceps Curls
10 Back Extensions

Tuesday September 12th 2017

A)E2min/6Sets 5 Ring Dips/Stationary Dips
5 Box Jumps (AHAP) B)15min EMOM 150m Run 15 Wall Ball 20/14 15 KB Americano's 24/20

Monday September 11th 2017

A)RE90sec/10R 2 Clean and Push Jerk B)Every 2min/7 Sets 2 Rope Climbs 30 DBL Unders C)4 Sets 15 Leg Drops 30 Toe Touch Planks

Friday September 8th 2017

A)Every 3min/3 Sets
30sec DBL Unders/Skipping
100' Sled Push

B)Every 3min/3 Sets
30sec Bike
30sec Thrusters

C)Every 3min/3 Sets
30sec Rowing
30sec Push Ups

D)Every 3min/3 Sets
30sec Ski Machine
30sec Burpees

Thursday September 7th 2017

A)Every 2min/7 Sets
5/sd BB Step Back Lunges

5 DB Chest Press
Alt With
5/sd Single Arm DB Rows

C)Every1:15/5 Sets
10 Wall Push Leg Drops
Alt With
45sec Hanging Hold

Tuesday September 6th 2017

A)Every90sec/6 Sets
1-2 Atlas Stone Lifts
Alt With
5 Triceps Dips

Alt With
10 Cal Ski

C)5/250m Row Sprints (every3min)

Monday September 5th 2017

A)Every 2min/8-10 Sets
1 Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Clean
2 Front Squat

B)Every 2min/6 sets
2 Rope Climbs
10 Hspu/10 Push Press

C)12min EMOM
300' Shuttle Run
Alt With
10 Kipping C2B

Friday September 1st 2017

A)Every 2:15/6 Sets
10 T2B
10  HSPU

B)Every 2:15/6 Sets
100' DB Carry
10 Push Ups

C)Every 3min/5 Sets
15 KBS
30sec Sprint

Thursday August 31st 2017

A)Every 2min/6 Sets
1-4 Atlas Stone Lifts
5 Pull Ups

B)Every 2min/6 Sets
8 Reverse Grip Ring Rows
10 SB HC

C)Every 2min/4 Sets
10 Back Extensions
5/sd DB Ext Rotations

Wednesday August 30th 2017

8/sd DB Walking Lunges

5 BB Bench Press
Alt With
2 Rope Climbs

DBL Unders
Bar Touch Burpees (Constant at 10)

Tuesday August 29th 2017

A)Every 1:30/8-10 Sets
1 PC
1 Push Jerk
1 Split Jerk

B)E90sec/6 Sets
10 Cal Ski

C)E90sec/6 Sets
12 T2B
Alt With
6-10 Incline DB Front Raises

Friday August 25th 2017

A)36min Constant Work
3min Bike
3min Row
3min Skip
3min AMRAP
50' Sled Push @ 1.5x Body Wt
5 Burpees
50' Sled Pull @ 1.5x Body Wt

Thursday August 24th 2017

5 Kipping C2B Pull Ups
5-10 GHD Hamstring Curls

5 Box Jumps (AHAP)
10cal Ski Erg

C)12min EMOM
5 Left Single Arm DB Rows
Alt With
5 Right Single Arm DB Rows

Wednesday August 23rd 2017

1 Push Press
1 Push Jerk
1 Split Jerk

250m Row Sprint (AFAP)
20 J.Lunges

5/sd DB Ext Shoulder Rot
Alt With
10 Wall Push Leg Drops

Tuesday August 22nd 2017

3 Front Squats

2 Rope Climbs to 15'
Alt With
Max Ring Dips/5 Dips

C)10min EMOM
100' Atlas Stone Carry
Alt With
10 Bar Touch Burpees

Monday August 21st 2017

2 Clean/Split Jerk

5/sd Single Arm Ring Rows
Alt With
5 Bench Press

C)10-1 For Time:
T2B or Rings

Friday August 18th 2017

A)Buy In 50% of your 8min Max Cal On Bike B)21min EMOM 10 Bar Touch Burpees 50' Rope Pull 15 Wall Balls C)Cash Out 50% of your 8min Max Cal On Bike

Thursday August 17th 2017

A)Every 1min/8-10sets (2 sets at heaviest wt) 2 Hang Squat Clean 2 Front Squat 2 Push Jerk B)12min EMOM Muscle Ups/Kipping Pull Ups Alt With 2-4 Over Shoulder Atlas Stone Throws C)12min EMOM 10 Leg Drops Alt With 5/sd Stability Ball Round The World

Wednesday August 16th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 5/sd BB Front Rack Step Ups B)18min EMOM 5 Dips/Ring Dips 50 DBL Unders 10cal Ski

Tuesday August 15th 2017

A)Every 1:15/6 Sets HSPU/5 DB Push Press Alt With 5-10 Modified Rows B)20min AMRAP @ Mod-Mod/High Int 250m Row 10 T2B

Monday August 14th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 5 BB DL B)Every 1:30/5 Sets 5/sd Single Arm Stability Ball DB Chest Press Alt With 2 Rope Climbs to 15' C)5/100m Run Sprints (every 2min)

Friday August 11th 2017

A)42min EMOM 30sec Bike Sprint 10 DB Push Press 30sec Row Max HSPU/Push Ups 30sec Ski 20 J.Lunges

Thursday August 10th 2017

A)Every 1:30/10 Sets 2 DL 1 Hang Squat Clean 1 Squat Clean 1 Front Squat B)Every 2min/6 Sets 5/sd DB Step Ups C)Every 1:15/5 Sets 10 Stability Ball In Outs Alt With 100' DB Carry

Wednesday August 9th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 5 Military Press 5 DH Pull Ups B)12min EMOM 5/sd Left Rev Grip DB Rows Alt With 5 Right Rev Grip DB Rows C)15min EMOM 10 Bar Touch Burpees 10 Cal Ski 300' Shuttle Run

Tuesday August 8th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 3 OHS or 6/sd OH KB Walking Lunges B)Every 2min/6 Sets 4 Over Shoulder Atlas Stone Throws Max Reps Triceps Dips C)Every 2min/5 Sets 10 Stability Ball Jack Knives 10 T2B

Friday August 4th 2017

A)Every 2min/3 Sets 30sec DBL Unders/Skipping 100' Sled Push B)Every 2min/3 Sets 30sec Bike 30sec Thrusters C)Every 2min/3 Sets
30sec Rowing 30sec Push Ups D)Every 2min/3 Sets 30sec Ski Machine 30sec Burpees

Thursday August 3rd 2017

A)Every 1:15/6 Sets 6 Ring Dips/Ring Push Ups Alt With 6 Reverse Grip DH Pull Ups B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 6 DB Incline Front Raises
Alt With
6/sd Single Arm Ring Rows C)10-1 For Time Burpees Box Jump Overs

Wednesday August 2nd 2017

A)8 Sets 3 Back Squats B)6 sets 6 BB SLDL Alt With 15' Rope Climb C)6 Sets 100' DB Carry Alt With 6 DB Shoulder Press

Tuesday August 1st 2017

A)Every 1:30/10 Sets 2 PWR Cleans B)5/100m Run Sprints/Every 2min C)5min Max DBL Unders

Monday July 31st 2017

A)Every 2min/7 Sets 3/sd BB Step Back Lunges B)12min EMOM TBA Kipping Pull Ups Alt With 5 DB Chest Press C)12min EMOM 1-4 Atlas Stone Lifts Alt With 12 T2B

Friday July 21st 2017

For Time:
100 Step Down Box Jumps @ 30/24
100 KBS @ 28kg
100 Burpees (no jump)
100 Thrusters @ 45/65

Thursday July 20th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 3 BB DL B)12min EMOM 10 DBL KB Swings Alt With 12 T2B C)12min EMOM 3/sd BB Front Rack Step Back Lunges Alt With 6 Wide Grip Ring Rows

Wednesday July 19th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets (build to a heavy wt) 3 OHS B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 10 Stability Ball Hamstring Curls Alt With 10' Hanstand Walk Practice/5 DB Shoulder Press C)Every 1:15/6 Sets 6 BB SLDL Alt With 15 Wall Balls

Tuesday July 18th 2017

A)Every 1:30/6 Sets 3 Bench Press Alt With 12 T2B B)24min EMOM 3 Dips (weighted if possible) 3/sd Single Arm KB Snatch @ 32kg 30sec Triple Under Practice 6 Reverse Grip Modified Rows

Monday July 17th 2017

A)Every 1:30/10 Sets 1 Clean 2 Front Squat 1 Push Jerk 1 Split Jerk B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 1 Rope Climb To Rafters Alt With 2-4 Atlas Stone Lifts C)8min AMRAP 5 HSPU 5 Kipping Pull Ups 20 Air Squats

Friday July 14th 2017

A)40min Constant Work
2min Ski Erg
2min Bike
2min Run
2min AMRAP
5 Burpees
5 PWR Cleans @ 50%1RM

Thursday July 13th 2017

A)18min EMOM (add wt if you feel like you can but not til last 3 sets) Dead Hang Reverse Grip C2B Pull Ups 3 BB Push Jerk @ 75% C+J 6 BB SLDL @ 75% C+J B)12min EMOM 30sec Double or Triple Under Practice 10 Reverse Hyper Extensions C)10min Row @ 75% Max Effort D)4 Sets 10/sd DB Ext Rotations

Wednesday July 12th 2017

A)Every 2min/7 Sets
1 PWR Clean 7 Front Squats B)12min EMOM 7 Left Single Arm DB Rows Alt With 7 Right Single Arm DB Rows C)Every 1:15/6 Sets 45sec Body Wt Hang Alt With 20 Prone Knees To Elbows

Tuesday July 10th 2017

A)Every 2:30/6 Sets 10 Kipping Pull Ups 100' Sled Push B)Every 2:30/6 Sets 10 GHD Hamstring Curls or 10 SBHC ? HSPU C)10min Row @ 75% Effort

Monday July 10th 2017

A)Every 2min/7 Sets
5/sd DB Walking Lunges B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 10 DB Chest Press 10 Bent Over BB Rows 6-8/sd Bridge DB Drag

Friday July 7th 2017

A)45min Constant Work 3 min Row 3min Bike 3min AMRAP 5 Burpees 10 Ring Rows 10 Air Squats

Wednesday July 5th 2017

A)Every 1:15/6 Sets 1-3 Atlas Stone Lifts Alt With
5 Dips B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 2 Rope Climbs @ 15' Alt With 5 Box Jumps AHAP C)15min EMOM 100' L Hand Farmer Carry Alt with 100' R Hand Farmer Carry Alt With 45sec Bridge

Tuesday July 4th 2017

A)Every 1:30/8 Sets 1 Military Press 1 Push Press 1 Push Jerk 1 Split Jerk B)Every 2min/7 Sets 6 DB SLDL 50 DBL Unders C)For Time:
50cal Bike 75 Push Ups 100 J.Lunges

Monday July 3rd 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets (build to a heavy weight) 5 Front Squats B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 5 Hang Cleans @ 65%1RM C+J Alt With 5 DH Pull Ups C)12min EMOM 10 T2BAlt With
15 Wall Balls

Friday June 23rd 2017

A)36min EMOM
30sec Ski Erg (easy pace)
16 J.Lunges
15 Push Ups
15 KB Russian Swings

B)4 Setss
7/sd DB External Shoulder Rotations

Thursday June 22nd 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 7 Back Squats B)Find a 1RM DH C2B Pull Ups C)Every 1:30/6 Sets 7 Incline DB Chest Press Alt With 7 Back Extensions

Wednesday June 21st 2017

A)Every 1:30/6 Sets 7 Triceps Dips Alt With 7 HSPU (deficit if needed) B)Every 1:30/6 Sets 75 DBL Unders Alt With 15 Wall Balls C)9min EMOM 7 BB PWR Cleans @ 50%1RM

Tuesday June 20th 2017

A)Every 1:30/6 Sets 7 BB SLDL Alt With 7 Seated DB Shoulder Press B)Every 1:30/6 Sets 7 DB Hammer Curls Alt With 10 Rubber Band Hold Leg Drops C)8min Max Calories On Bike

Monday June 19th 2017

A)Every 2min/7 Sets 7/sd DB Split Squats B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 3 Bench Press
Alt With
10 Alternating Hanging Knees to Elbows C)12min EMOM 7 L Single Arm DB Rows 7 R Single Arm DB Rows

Friday June 16th 2017

A)1-10 For Time: Box Jumps 24/30 HSPU B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 10 Sit Ups 5/sd KB Cleans 40/28 C)10min EMOM 10 Stability Ball Hamstring Curls Alt With 10 Ring Rows

Thursday June 15th 2017

A)8 Sets 3 BB DL B)RE90sec/6R 5 Ring Dips alt with 2 Rope Climb to 15ft C)4rnds 30sec L side bridge 30sec R side bridge 30sec front bridge 1min rest

Wednesday June 14th 2017

A)32min EMOM 1 snatch/5 OHS 95/55 5 Touch and go PWR Cleans 5 Thrusters 95/55 5 Bar Jump Burpees

Tuesday June 13th 2017

A)Every 1:15/7 Sets 3 DH Chest to bar pull ups Alt With 45sec Bridge B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 10 T2B Alt With 20 J.Lunges C)Bike Sprints 30sec on (high intensity) 90sec off/7rnds

Monday June 12th 2017

A)Find a 1RM
Front Squat

B)Every 1:30/8 Sets
2 Split Jerk

C)12min EMOM
300' Shuttle Run
15 Push Ups

Friday June 9th 2017

A)7min EMOM
10 BB Thrusters

B)7min EMOM
10 Alternating BB Step Back Lunges

C)7min EMOM
12 Burpees

3min Air Bike
3min Row
3min Ski

Thursday June 8th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets (try for 95%1RM) 2 Front Squats B)21min EMOM 6 KB Deadlifts 6 C2B 6 HSPU (add deficit if necessary)

Wednesday June 7th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets (build to a heavy wt)
3 OHS Squat B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 5 DB Bench Press Alt With 5 BB SLDL C)10min EMOM 12 T2B Alt With 30 Rotating Planks

Tuesday June 6th 2017

A)Every 1:15/6 Sets
TBA Weighted Dips Alt With 6 GHD Hamstring Curls/Eccentric HC B)20min AMRAP 150m Run or 15cal Bike 15 Wall Ball 20/14 15 KB Americano's 24/20 15 Push Ups

Monday June 5th 2017

A)Every 1:30/10 Sets (to 90% 1RM) 2 Clean and Jerk B)14min EMOM 1 Rope Climb Alt With 30sec DBL Unders C)Every 2min/5 Sets 10 Leg Drops 30 Toe Touch Planks

Friday June 2nd 2017

A)3 Sets
30sec DBL Unders/Skipping
15 Wall Balls

B)3 Sets 30sec Bike 20 KBS

C)3 Sets
30sec Ski Machine 100' Sled Push

D)3 Sets
30sec Rowing
20 J.Lunges

Thursday June 1st 2017

A)Find a 1RM Military Press B)6 Sets 6 Ring Dips/Ring Push Ups Alt With 6 Reverse Grip DH Pull Ups C)10-1 For Time Burpees Box Jump Overs

Wednesday May 31st 2017

A)8 Sets 3 Back Squats B)6 sets 100' Yolk Walk Alt With 15' Rope Climb C)6 Sets 6 BB SLDL Alt With 6 Ring Rows (3sec tempo)

Tuesday May 30th 2017

A)Every 1:30/10 Sets
2 PWR Cleans

B)5/100m Run Sprints/Every 2min

C)5min Max DBL Unders

Monday May 29th 2017

A)Every 2min/7 Sets
3/sd BB Step Back Lunges

B)12min EMOM
TBA Kipping Pull Ups
Alt With
5 DB Chest Press

C)12min EMOM
1-4 Atlas Stone Lifts
Alt With
12 T2B

Friday May 26th 2017

A)2RNDS 5min Ski 5min Bike 5min Run 1min Box Jumps 1min Rope Climbs 1min Burpees 1min Sled Push 1min Bridge

Thursday May 25th 2017

A)Every 1:30/6 Sets
5 DB Shoulder Press Alt With 5/sd Single Arm DB Rows B)5/30sec Row Sprints @ 90% Intensity C)Every 1:30/6 Sets 45sec Standing DB Hold (grip) Alt With 5 Weighted GHD Back Extensions

Wednesday May 24th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets (build to a heavy wt) 5 Front Squat B)Every 1:30/6 Sets 2 Bench Press Alt With 5 GHD or 5 Eccentric Hamstring Curls C)12min EMOM 12 T2B Alt With 10 Burpees

Tuesday May 22nd 2017

A)Find a 1RM
Clean and Jerk

B)18min EMOM
12 Kipping Pull Ups
1-3 Atlas Stone Throws"

Friday May 19th 2017

A)Every 2:30/8 Sets 6 Back Squats 2 Rope Climbs to 15' B)Every 2:30/6 Sets 6/sd Walking Lunges 12 Kipping Pull Ups C)30sec on 90sec off/5RNDS Bike Sprints

Thursday May 18th 2017

A)28min EMOM 6 Incline DB Chest Press 6 Modified Rows 10 Alternating Hanging Knees To Elbows 1-4 Atlas Stone Lifts B)3 Rnds @ Mod Intensity 3min Bike 3min Row
3min 100' farmer carry
300' shuttle run

Wednesday May 17th 2017

A)Every 1:30/10 Sets 2 PWR Cleans 2 Front Squats 2 Push Jerk B)12min EMOM 6 L Hand DB Rows Alt With 6 R Hand DB Rows C)15min EMOM 6 Box Jumps AHAP Alt With 6 L KB Swing Snatch Alt With 6 R KB Swing Snatch

Tuesday May 16th 2017

A)Every 1:30/6 Sets 3 Bench Press Alt With 40 Zeus Rope DBL Unders B)Every 1:30/6 Sets 3 Weighted Dips Alt With 6 GHD Hamstring Curls/12 SBHC C)Every 2:30/6 Sets 12 T2B or T2Rings 30sec L Bridge 30sec R Bridge

Monday May 15th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets (Build to a Heavy Weight) 6 BB DL B)Every 1:30/6 Sets 3 Weighted Reverse Grip Pull Ups Alt With 3 Kipping Handstand Push Ups or 3 Military Press C)For Time: 1000m Row

Friday May 12th 2017

2 RNDS of: A)Every 2:30/3 Sets 50' Sled Push @ 2x's Body Wt 30sec Ski Erg Sprint B)Every 2:30/3 Sets 15 Wall Balls (heaviest ball possible) 30secRow C)Every 2:30/3 Sets 10 Bar Touching Burpees 100m Sprint

Thursday May 11th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 3 BB DL B)12min EMOM 10 DBL KB Swings Alt With 12 T2B C)12min EMOM 3/sd DB Walking Lunges Alt With 6 Wide Grip Ring Rows

Wednesday May 10th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets (build to a heavy wt) 3 OHS B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 6 GHD or Eccentric Hamstring Curls Alt With 30sec Body Wt Hanging Hold C)Every 1:15/6 Sets 6/sd Single Leg SLDL Alt With 15 Wall Balls

Tuesday May 9th 2017

A)Every 1:30/8 Sets 3 Bench Press B)24min EMOM 3 Dips 3/sd Single Arm KB Snatch 30sec Triple or DBL Under Practice 6 Reverse Grip Modified Rows

Monday May 8th 2017

A)Every 1:30/10 Sets (build to a heavy wt) 1 Clean 2 Front Squat 1 Push Jerk 1 Split Jerk B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 1 Rope Climb To Rafters Alt With 1-4 Atlas Stone Lifts C)8min AMRAP 5 HSPU/5 DB Push Press 5 Pull Ups 20 Air Squats

Friday May 5th 2017

A)40min Constant Work 2min Ski Erg 2min Bike 2min Run 2min Box Jumps 2min AMRAP 5 Burpees 5 PWR Cleans @ 50%1RM

Thursday May 4th 2017

A)Every 1:15/6 Sets (add wt if you feel like you can but not til last 3 sets) Dead Hang Reverse Grip C2B Pull Ups 3 BB Push Jerk @ 75% C+J 6 BB SLDL @ 75% C+J B)12min EMOM 30sec Double or Triple Under Practice 10 Reverse Hyper Extensions C)10min Bike @ 75% Max Effort D)4 Sets 10/sd DB Ext Rotations

Wednesday May 3rd 2017

A)Every 3min/7 Sets 7/sd Front Rack Step Back Lunges B)12min EMOM 7 Left Single Arm DB Rows Alt With 7 Right Single Arm DB Rows C)Every 1:15/6 Sets 45sec Body Wt Hang Alt With 20 Prone Knees To Elbows

Tuesday May 2nd 2017

A)Every 2:30/6 Sets 10 Kipping Pull Ups 100' Sled Push B)Every 2:30/6 Sets 10 GHD Hamstring Curls or 10 SBHC ? HSPU C)10min Row @ 75% Effort

Monday May 1st 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 3 Front Squat B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 7 DB Chest Press 7 Bent Over BB Rows 6-8/sd Bridge DB Drag

Friday April 28th 2017

A)45min Constant Work 3 min Row 3min Bike 3min AMRAP 5 Pull Ups 5 Push Ups 10 Air Squats

Wednesday April 26th 2017

A)Every 1:15/6 Sets Over Bar Atlas Stone Lifts Alt With 40 Zeus Rope DBL Unders B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 2 Rope Climbs @ 15' Alt With 6 Box Jumps AHAP C)15min EMOM 100' L Hand Farmer Carry Alt with 100' R Hand Farmer Carry Alt With 45sec Bridge

Tuesday April 25th 2017

A)Every 1:30/8 Sets 1 Military Press 1 Push Press 1 Push Jerk 1 Split Jerk B)Every 2min/7 Sets 6 BB SLDL 12 T2B C)For Time: 100 Push Ups 100 J.Lunges

Monday April 24th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets (build to a heavy weight) 5 Back Squats B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 5 Hang Cleans @ 65%1RM C+J Alt With 5 DH Pull Ups C)12min EMOM 5 L Single Arm DB Rows Alt With 5 R Single Arm DB Rows

Friday April 21st 2017

20sec Wall Balls
20sec Ski Erg
2min Rest

20sec Burpees
20sec Air Bike
2min Rest

20sec KBS
20sec Rowing
2min Rest

20sec Pull Ups/Ring Rows
20sec Sled Push
2min Rest

20sec Push Ups
20sec Run Sprint
2min Rest

Thursday April 20th 2017

A)Every 2min/7 Sets 9/sd DB Walking Lunges B)Every 1:30/6 Sets 9 DB Shoulder Press Alt With 9 BB SLDL C)Every 1:30/6 Sets 10 Back Extensions Alt With 50 DBL Unders

Wednesday April 19th 2017

A)Every 1:30/10 Sets
2 Clean/Split Jerk

B)Every 1:30/6 Sets
9 Incline DB Chest Press
Alt With 100' DB Farmer Carry

C)Every 1:30/6 Sets 12 T2B
Alt Wth
9 Bent Over BB Rows

Tuesday April 18th 2017

A)Every 1:30/6 Sets
9 Front Squats @ 65%1RM
Alt With
1 Rope Climb to Rafters

B)Every 1:30/6 Sets
9 Kipping Pull Ups Alt With
9 Close Grip BB Press
C)10-1 For Time:
Box Jump Overs 24/20

Friday April 14th 2017

40min EMOM 30sec Ski Erg (easy pace) 16 J.Lunges 15 Push Ups 15 KB Russian Swings 10 Pull Ups/10 Ring Rows B)4 Setss 7/sd DB External Shoulder Rotations

Thursday April 13th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 7 Back Squats B)Find a 1RM DH C2B Pull Ups C)Every 1:30/6 Sets 7 Incline DB Chest Press Alt With 7 Back Extensions

Wednesday April 12th 2017

A)Every 1:30/6 Sets 7 Triceps Dips Alt With 7 HSPU (deficit if needed) B)Every 1:30/6 Sets 75 DBL Unders Alt With 15 Wall Balls C)9min EMOM 7 BB PWR Cleans @ 50%1RM

Tuesday April 11th 2017

A)Every 1:30/6 Sets 7 BB SLDL Alt With 7 Seated DB Shoulder Press B)Every 1:30/6 Sets 7 DB Hammer Curls Alt With 10 Rubber Band Hold Leg Drops C)8min Max Calories On Bike

Monday April 10th 2017

A)Every 2min/7 Sets 7/sd DB Split Squats B)Find a 1RM Bench Press C)12min EMOM 7 L Single Arm DB Rows 7 R Single Arm DB Rows

Friday April 7th 2017

A)1-10 For Time: Box Jumps 24/30 HSPU B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 1-4 Atlas Stone Lifts
Alt with
10 Hanging Knees To Elbows C)10min EMOM 5 Eccentric HC/10 Stability Ball Hamstring Curls Alt With 5 Reverse Grip Modified Rows

Thursday April 6th 2017

A)8 Sets 5 BB DL B)RE90sec/6R 5 Ring Dips alt with 2 Rope Climb to 15ft C)4rnds 30sec L side bridge 30sec R side bridge 30sec front bridge 1min rest

Wednesday April 5th 2017

A)Find a 1RM
PWR Clean

B)Every 1:15/6 Sets
10 Stability Ball Hamstring Curls
Alt With
10 Wide Grip Ring Rows

C)Every 2:30/6 Sets
10 Thrusters 5 Bar Jump Burpees

Tuesday April 4th 2017

A)Every 2:30/6 Sets 10 Kipping Chest to bar pull ups 50 DBL Unders B)Every 2:30/6 Sets 10 T2B 20 J.Lunges C)Bike Sprints 30sec on (high intensity) 90sec off/7rnds

Monday April 3rd 2017

A)Find a 1RM Front Squat B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 10 DB Shoulder Press Alt With 10 EZ Bar Curls C)12min EMOM 300' Shuttle Run 15 Push Ups

Friday March 31st 2017

A)14min EMOM 10 KB Russian Swings (2 kettlebells) Alt With 10 Burpees 10min Rest B)Every 4min/5 Sets 10 Cal Row 100' Sled Push

Thursday March 30th 2017

A)Every 2min/7 Sets 3/sd BB Front Rack Walking Lunges B)Every 1:15/5 Sets 3 DB Chest Press Alt With 6 Weighted Sit Ups C)12min EMOM 3 L Single Arm DB Rows Alt With 3 R Single Arm DB Rows

Wednesday March 29th 2017

A)Every 1:30/8 Sets 2 Hang PWR Cleans 3 Push Jerk B)Every 1:15/5 Sets 3 Triceps Dips Alt With 3 DB Side Lateral Raises C)Every 1:15/5 Sets 6/sd Single Leg DB Calf Raises Alt With 6 Hyper Extensions

Tuesday March 28th 2017

A)Every 2min/6 Sets (3sec tempo) 4-6 GHD Hamstring Curls Alt With 3 Standing BB Shoulder Press B)Every 1:15/6 Sets (3sec tempo) 3 BB SLDL Alt With 1 Rope Climb to Rafters C)Every 3min/5 sets 12 T2B 20 Rotating Planks

Monday March 27th 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 3 Front Squats B)Every 1:15/5 Sets 3 Bench Press Alt With 3 DH Prone Grip Pull Ups C)Every 1:15/5 Sets 3 Incline DB Chest Press Alt With 3 Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows

Friday March 24th 2017

A)40min Constant Work At Moderate Effort 3min Bike 1min DBL Unders or Zeus Rope Skipping 1min 2 Hand DB Farmer Carry 3min Row 1min Atlas Stone Over Shoulder Throws 1min Air Squats 4RNDS B)4 Sets 6/sd 90deg DB External Shoulder Rotation

Thursday March 23rd 2017

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 3/0/1/0 Tempo 6 Back Squats B)Every 1:30/6 Sets 2-3 Atlas Stone Lifts Alt With 6 HSPU or 6 Military Press 3/0/1/0 Tempo C)Every 1:30/6 Sets 6 GHD Hamstring Curls 3/0/1/0 Tempo Alt With 6 Bent Over Reverse DB Flys

Wednesday March 22nd 2017

A)Every 1:30/6 Sets 6 Hand Release Push Ups Alt With 6 Reverse Grip Pull Ups B)Every 1:30/6 Sets 12 Hanging Knees To Elbows Alt With 6 Bent Over Prone Grip DB Rows C)Every 1:30/6 Sets 12 Leg Drops Alt Wth 6 Incline DB Chest Press

Tuesday March 21st 2017

A)Every 1:30/6 Sets 6 Linked PWR Cleans Alt With 6 Triceps Dips 3/0/1/0 Tempo B)Every 1:30/6 Sets 1 Rope Climb to Rafters Alt With 6 Box Jumps C)12min EMOM 12 KB Russian Swings Alt With 6 DB Curls 3/0/1/0 Tempo

Monday March 20th 2017

A)Every 1:30/6 Sets 6 BB Front Rack Walking Lunges Alt With 6 DB Supine To Prone Grip Shoulder Press B)Every 1:30/6 Sets 6 BB SLDL Alt With 6/sd Single Leg Calf Raises C)As many cal or reps as possible 1min AMRAP Cal On Rower 1min Off 1min AMRAP Cal on Bike 1min Off 3 Rnds

Friday March 17th 2017

A)3RNDS 30sec Wall Balls 30sec Ski Erg 2min Rest B)3RNDS 30sec Burpees 30sec Air Bike 2min Rest C)3RNDS 30sec J.Lunges 30sec Rowing 2min Rest D)3RNDS 30sec Pull Ups/Ring Rows 30sec Sled Push 2min Rest