Thursday June 26th 2014

A) 6 sets:
BB push press  X 8
BB bent over rows X 8

B) 5 rounds for time:
10 burpees
15 TRX rows
20 heel touch pike sit ups

C) CORE! 3 sets
15 X leg drops
15 X prone knee drops


Wednesday June 25th 2014

A)Work up to your 4rm
BB Back Squats 

B)For Time
10 T2B
50 Air squats
10 T2B
50 J.Lunges
10 T2B

50 KBS (24/20kg)
10 T2B

Tuesday June 24th 2014

A)9 Sets
Pull Ups x Max Reps 
DB Chest Press x 7 (build up to the heaviest weight you can do)

B)5/200m Run Sprints

Monday June 23rd 2014

A)Find a 5RM 

KBOne Arm Swings x 10/sd (24/16)
DBL Unders x 20
Wall Balls x 30 (20/14)

Wednesday 18th 2014

A)6 Sets
DB Chest Press x 6
DB Bent Over Rows x 6

B)For Reps
5 min Run For Distance
4 min max WBS (20/14)
3 min max box jumps (24/20)
2 min max KBS (24/16)
1 min max T2B
You will get 1 minute rest and transition time between exercises

Friday June 13th 2014

A)7 Sets
BB Hang Snatch x 3

3min AMRAP
6 SDHP 115/75
6 Box Jumps 36/28
90sec off
4 cycles

Thursday June 12th 2014

A)7 Sets (45sec in between exercises)
DB Chest Press x 7
DB Bent Over Rows x 7

B)Do a rnd every 2;30min (7rnds)
10/sd single arm KB swings (28/20)
5/sd KB Cleans (28/20)

C)75 Back Raises

Monday June 9th 2014

A)Find a 4RM
BB Back Squat

30 DBL Unders
20 Air Squats
10 Push Ups
90 Sec Rest
3 Cycles

Friday June 6th 2014

A)7 Sets
Pull Ups x Max Reps
Push Jerk x 4

B)7 Sets
TRX Rows x Max Reps
Reverse Crunches x 10 

Thursday June 5th 2014

A)7 Sets
BB DL x 6
DB Chest Press x 6

B)7 Sets
Prone Hamstring Curls x 6
Push Ups x Max Reps

Tuesday June 3rd 2014

A)7 Sets
BB Back Squats x 8
Supine Jack Knives x 16
B)7 Sets
Bent Over KB Rows x 8
Prone Knees To Elbows x 30
C)6min AMRAP
6 KB Snatch/sd 28/20
12 Burpees

Monday June 2nd 2014

A)20min AMRAP
5 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups
15 Air Squats
20 DBL Unders
B)4 Sets
Back Extensions x 8