Friday October 30th 2020

 5x Cal Bike
100 Walking Lunges 5x Cal Ski 5x EMOM Kipping Pull Ups 5x Cal Row 50 Push Ups 5x Cal Bike 100 Air Squats 5x Cal Ski 100 Russian Swings 500 Skips

Thursday October 29th 2020

4 DL B)6R 4 Inc KB Rows (4 sec tempo) 30sec/sd Side Plank C)6R 4 Inc DB CP 4 BB Curls (4 sec tempo)

Wednesday October 28th 2020

 A)18min EMOM
Cal Bike
10 Ring Rows
DBL Unders

B)18min EMOM
Cal Row
15 Wall Balls
100' KB Farmer Carry

Tuesday October 27th 2020

4/sd BB SLDL

4 BB Military Press
8 KB Americanos

4 Weighted Dips
16 SB Reverse Hyperextensions

Monday October 26th 2020

4/sd BB Deficit SBL

4 Bench Press
4 Rev Grip DH Pull Ups

10 T2B or Rings
20 TT Planks
20 Shoulder Touch Planks 

Friday October 23rd 2020

50min @ Mod Intensity
5min Ski 40 Walking Lunges (or air squats) 5min Bike 2x EMOM Kipping Pull Ups 5min Row 2x EMOM HSPU 400m Run 30 Butterfly Sit Ups

Thursday October 22nd 2020

8 Back Squats
Alt With 8/sd Single Arm DB Push Press B)18min EMOM Burpee Box Jump Overs T2B or Rings DBL Unders

Wednesday October 20th 2020

A)6 Sets
8 Bench Press
Alt With
100' Single Arm Farmer Carry B)6 Sets 100'Sled Push 8/sd Single Arm DB Rows C)5R 30sec Body Hang (weighted If necessary) 12 Back Extensions

Tuesday October 20th 2020


B)6 Sets C2B 
Alt With HSPU 

C)6 Sets
Ring Dips Alt With 6 GHD HC

Monday October 19th 2020

A)7 Sets
8/sd DB Box Step Ups 
B)6R 8 DB Chest Press Alt With Rope Climbs C)5 Sets 12 RCWLD 30sec/sd Side Plank

Friday October 16th 2020

A)30min Constant Work
3min Bike 
1min Plank 3min Row 1.5x EMOM Burpees (in under 1min) B)20min EMOM 30 J.Lunges EMOM Paralette Push Ups 10 KB Russian Swings (AHAP) EMOM C2B

Thursday October 15th 2020

A)6R 8/sd DB Split Squats 
B)6R DBL Unders 8/sd SA DB Rows C)6R 8 Rev Crunches 8 GHD HC

Wednesday October 14th 2020

2 Push Press
or 4 Swing Cleans 2 Push Press 4 Swing Cleans B)6R 6 INC DB CP 1 Rope Climb (legless decent) C)For Time: 3x Cal Ski 3x Cal Bike 3x Burpees

Friday October 9th 2020

54min Constant Work @ Moderat Effort
3min Row 3min DBL Unders or Skips 3min Bike 3min AMRAP 10 Burpees 100' KB Front Rack Farmer Carry (use 2 of the heaviest bells you can) 100' KB Normal Farmer Carry (use 2 of the heaviest bells you can)

Thursday October 8th 2020

6 Inc DB CP
Alt With 
6/sd Walking Lunges B)6R 6 KB Front Squats Alt With Parallel Grip DB Skull Crushers C)5R 10 T2B 10 TT Planks 10 Rotating Planks

Wednesday October 7th 2020

A)10R 2 HSC 2 HPC 
B)18min EMOM EMOM C2B 3/sd Single Arm KB Snatch EMOM Ring Dips D)2000m Row @ 90% PR Rate

Tuesday October 6th 2020

Alt With 
6 BB PP B)21min EMOM 20 Jump Squats 1 Rope Climb (legless If Possible) HSPU C)4R 7/sd 90deg Ext Shoulder Rotation

Monday October 5th 2020

3 Back Squats Ring Dips 
B)10min EMOM 6 L Single Arm Ring Rows Alt With 6 R Single Arm Ring Rows C)8R 10sec on (max intensity) 50sec Off

Friday October 2nd 2020

3min Row
15 Air Squats
20 TT Planks
3min Ski
10 Wall Balls
Rope Climbs
3min Concept Bike
20 J.Lunges
15 Russian Swings