Tuesday November 1st 2016

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 6 Front Squats B)18min EMOMMax Ring Push Ups
6/sd KB Swing Snatch
12 T2B

C)OMO OMO 4 Sets

Monday October 31st 2016

A)Find a 1RM Military Press B)Every 2:30/6 Sets 6 Kipping Pull Ups 50 DBL Unders C)Every 2:30/6 Sets 6/sd Single Arm Ring Rows 12 Step Down Box Jumps

Friday October 28th 2016

A)Every 2:30/6 Sets 1 Rope Climb/10 Ring Rows 6 HSPU/10 Push Press

B)Every 1:30/6 Sets 6/sd DB Single Leg SLDL Alt With 30 Med Ball Russian Twists

C)10sec on 50sec off Bike Sprints
8 Sets

Thursday October 27th 2016

A)Every 1:30/6 Sets
6 Dips
Alt With
12 Weighted Sit Ups

B)10min AMRAP
100' Two Hand Farmer Carry
20 J.Lunges
10 Burpees

Wednesday October 26th 2016

A)Every 1:30/10 Sets 1 Pwr Clean 1 Push Press 1 Push Jerk 1 Split Jerk B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 6 Dead Hang Reverse Grip Pull Ups Alt With 12 Stability Ball Hamstring Curls C)Every 1:15/6 Sets 6/sd Single Arm DB Rows Alt With 15 Wall Balls

Tuesday October 25th 2016

A)Every 2min/8 Sets (build to a heavy wt)

B)Every 1:15/6 Sets (build to a heavy wt)
6 DB Chest Press
Alt With
12 Ring Rows

C)8min AMRAM @ Moderate Intensity
10Cal Bike
10 Push Ups
10 Box Jumps 24/20

Friday October 21st 2016

A)12min EMOM 2 Clean and Split Jerk @ 80%1RM Alt With 10 T2B B)Every 1:30/6 Sets 5 Bent Over Prone Grip BB Rows Alt With 1 Rope Climb or 5 C2B

Thursday October 20th 2016

A)12min EMOM 1 Bar MU/5 Dips Alt With 16 J.Lunges B)12min EMOM 5 HSPU Alt With12 Box Jumps

C)12min EMOM
12 T2B
Alt With
3 Atlas Stone Lifts

Wednesday October 19th 2016

A)Find a 1RM Back Squat B)Every 1:30/10 Sets 2 Hang Squat Snatch 2 OHS C)Every 1:15/6 Sets 5 Back Extensions Alt With 5/sd Ext Shoulder Rotators

Tuesday October 18th 2016

A)15min AMRAP @ 75% Max Intensity 20cal Row 40 DBL Unders B)Every 1:30/8 Sets 5 Military Press C)Every 1:15/5 Sets 10 KB Supine Jack Knives Alt With 40 Rotating Planks

Monday October 17th 2016

A)Every 2:30/8 Sets 5/sd Front Rack Step Back Lunges AMREP Push Ups B)18min EMOM 3 PWR Cleans @ 75% 1RM 10 Wall Balls AHAP 10 Kipping Pull Ups

Friday October 14th 2015

A)Every 2min/8 Sets 3 DL B)13min AMRAP 5 Burpees 5 Shoulder to Overhead 10 Box Jumps 24/20

Thursday October 13th 2016

A)10 Sets 1 Hang PWR Clean 2 PWR Clean B)Every1:15/6 Sets 6 Bench Press Alt With 12 T2B C)5min Max DBL Unders or Skip

Wednesday October 12th 2016

A)21min EMOM 6 BB SLDL
10 Pull Ups

B)Every 1:30/6 Sets
5/sd Single Arm DB Prone Grip Rows
Alt With 
10 GHD Back Extensions

Friday October 7th 2016

A)40min EMOM
1 Ring Muscle Up/4 DH Pull Ups
300' Run
10 Wall Balls
1 Rope Climb
10 Burpees

Thursday October 6th 2016

A)Every 1:30/10 Sets (link all reps)
1 Hang Snatch (above knee)
1 Hang Snatch (just below knee)
1 Snatch (touch the floor)

B)Every 1:30/8 Sets
3 Military Press

C)1mile jog (medium intensity)

Wednesday October 5th 2016

A)Every 2min/8 Sets
8/sd BB Front Rack Step Back Lunges

B)Every 1:30/6 Sets
Alt with
10 GHD Sit Ups

D)Every 1:15/5 Sets
5/sd 90degree DB External Shoulder Rotations
Alt With
30 Med Ball Twists

Tuesday October 4th 2016

A)8 Sets

B)7min EMOM
10cal Row

C)7min EMOM
100' Sled Push

D)7min EMOM
5/sd Single Arm KB Snatch

Monday October 3rd 2016

A)Find a 1RM
Clean and Jerk

B)Every 1:15/6 Sets
10 Kipping Pull Ups
Alt Wth
5 Box Jumps

C)Every 1:15/6 Sets
5 Triceps Skull Crushers
Alt With
10 KB Russian Swings