A)E3M/6R (all 3 exercises in a row)
10 DB Front Rack Walking Lunges
B)E1:15/6R (build to a heavy wt)
3 Bench Press
Alt With
10 Bent Over DB Rows
A)E2M/8R (build to a heavy wt)
2 Back Squats
B)E2M/7R Bar Muscle Ups
C)Every 1:15/6 Sets (build to a heavy wt)
5 Incline BB Chest Press
Alt With
5/sd DB Rows"
48min Constant Work 3min Row 3min Skipping 3min Bike 3min AMRAP 20 J.Lunges 100' KB Front Rack Farmer Carry (use 2 of the heaviest bells you can) 100' KB Normal Farmer Carry (use 2 of the heaviest bells you can)"
A))E1:15/9R (3@195,205,215)
5/sd Deficit SBL
C)Every 1:15/6 Sets
8 DB Shoulder Press (build to a heavy wt)
10 Stability Ball In Outs
C)12min EMOM
8 Left Arm Single Arm Ring Rows
Alt With
8 Right Arm Single Arm Ring Rows