Monday September 31st 2020

8/sd Deficit SBL 
B)E2:15/6R 6 GHD HC C2B C)30sec ON/90sec OFF Bike Sprints (3rnds) Row Sprints (3rnds)

Friday August 28th 2020

 5x Cal Bike
100 Walking Lunges 
5x Cal Ski 50 Kipping Pull Ups 5x Cal Row 50 Push Ups 5x Cal Bike 100 Air Squats 5x Cal Ski 100 Russian Swings 5x Cal Row 1mi Run or 5x Cal Bike

Thursday August 27th 2020

6 Back Squats
6/sd Single Arm DB Push Press

B)18min EMOM
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs
DBL Unders 

Tuesday August 25th 2020


4 Swing Cleans 4 Alt SBL 4 PP

B)6 Sets C2B Alt With HSPU

  C)6 Sets Ring Dips Alt With 6 GHD HC

Monday August 24th 2020

A)7 Sets

6/sd DB Box Step Ups

B)6R 6 DB Chest Press Alt With Rope Climbs C)5 Sets 12 RCWLD 30sec/sd Side Plank

Friday August 7th 2020

A)48min Constant Work 3min Bike 
2 RNDS 30 Air Squats Bar Muscle Ups/Kipping Pull Ups 3min Row 2 RNDS 7 Devil Presses 1 Rope Climb

Thursday August 6th 2020

1-4 Atlas Stone Lifts

6/sd KB Swing Snatch

8/sd Side Plank Rotations
10 Stability Ball In outs

Wednesday August 5th 2020

A)E2M/7R 6 Bench Press 50' Rope Sled Pull B)E2M/8R 6 Back Squat C)E2M/6R 10 Bent Over BB Rows (build to a heavy wt) 12 T2B

Tuesday August 4th 2020

A)E2M/7R 6/sd Deficit BB Step Back Lunges B)E2:15/6R 10 Hanging Knees To Elbows 6 DB Incline Chest Press C)E2:15/6R Max Ring Dips 50 DBL Unders