Tuesday June 29th 2015

A)8 Sets
6 Pull Ups
6 Push Press

B)8 Sets
12 T2B
6 Bent Over BB Rows

C)5 Sets
10 Weighted Supine Jack knives
30 Rotating Planks

Monday June 29th 2015

A)Find a 1RM
BB Cleans

B)9min AMRAP
5 Bar Jump Over Burpees
5 OHS 135/75
10 Box Jumps 30/24

Thursday June 25th 2015

1 PWR Snatch
1 Snatch
1 Hang Squat Snatch

100ft Sled Push @ body weight
30 Wall Balls 20/14
2min Rest

Tuesday June 23rd 2015

A)10 Sets
2 Clean and Jerk

B)6 Sets
3 High Pull
75 DBL Unders

C)4 Sets
5/sd DB External Shoulder Rotations

Friday June 19th 2015

A)10 Sets
2 PWR Clean

B)8 Sets
5 Ring Dips (Weighted if possible)
5/sd Single Arm DB Rows

C)4 Sets
5 DB Ext Shoulder Rotations

Wednesday June 17th 2015

3min AMRAP
6 BB Front Rack Step Back Lunges/sd (135/95)
6 Burpees
90sec off
3min AMRAP
12 Front Squats (135/95)
6 Burpees
90sec off
3 Cycles

Tuesday June 16th 2015

A)8 Sets
Max Muscle Ups (rings or bar) or
Weighted Dead Hang Pull Ups x 8
Double Unders x 24

B)8 Sets
BB DL x 5
Ring Rows (strict form) x 10

Friday June 12th 2015

A)6 Sets
5/sd BB Front Rack Step Back Lunges (via PWR Clean)

B)6 Sets
5 BB Shoulder Press

C)6 Sets
5 Back Ext
5 DB Biceps Curls

Thursday June 11th 2015

A)5min AMRAP
5 C2B
10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
2:30 rest
2 cycles

B)6 Sets
Max Reps GHDSit Ups
3 Snatch Grip High Pulls

Wednesday June 10th 2015

A)Find a 3RM
Front Squat

B)8 Sets
5 Bench Press

C)4 Sets
5/sd DB Ext Shoulder Rotation

Tuesday June 9th 2015

A)6 Sets
6 Weighted Dips

B)10RFT (25min time cap)
150m Run
15 Wall Ball 20/14
15 KB Americano's 24/20

Monday June 8th 2015

2 Clean and Jerk

B)8 Sets
1 Rope Climb
30 DBL Unders

C)4 Sets
15 Leg Drops
30 Toe Touch Planks

Thursday June 4th 2015

5 Bench Press
10 bent over dumbbell rows

AMREP T2B (1 regrip)