A)Every 2min/8 Sets
3 Back Squats
B)Every 1:15/5 Sets
3 Bench Press
Alt With
3 DH Prone Grip Pull Ups
C)Every 1:15/5 Sets
3 Incline DB Chest Press
Alt With
3 Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows
A)Every 1:15/6sets
10 Ring Push Ups Alt With
15 T2B
3 BB Chest Press
Alt With
6 Modified Rows
C)Every 1:30/5 Sets10 Supine Jack Knives Alt With 100' L DB Farmer Carry 100' R DB Farmer Carry
A)Every 2min/8 Sets (2010 tempo
8 Back Squats
B)Every 1:30/6 Sets (2010 tempo)
8 Military Press
Alt With
30sec L DB Side Plank
30sec R DB Side Plank
C)Every 1:30/6 Sets (2010 tempo)
8 Dips
Alt With
8 Back Extensions
A)10min EMOM
300' Shuttle Run Alt With 10 Cal Row
B)24min EMOM
10 Push Ups With Vest if needed
10 Modified Rows
10 Russian Swings @ AHAP
1 Atlas Stone Lift
C)4 Sets (at your own pace)8/sd Single Arm DB Ext Rotations
A)Every 3:30/5 Sets
12/sd Single Arm DB Rows
Max Hand Release Push Ups
B)Every 3min/5 Sets
12 BB Biceps Curls
50 DBL Unders
C)Every 1:15/6 Sets
12/sd DB External Shoulder Rotations
Alt With
24 J.Lunges
A)Every 3min/6 Sets as fast as possible
Max HSPU/12 BB Push Press
200m Row
B)Every 3min/6 Sets
12 Kipping Pull Ups
12 SB HC
C)12min EMOM
12 Wide Grip Ring Rows
Alt With
12 Back Extensions
A)Every 2min/8 Sets 2010 (build to a heavy weight)
12 Back Squats
B)Every 1:30/6 Sets
12 DB Chest Press 2010
Alt With
Max T2B 2010
C)Every 2min/6 Sets
12 Triceps Dips 2010
12 Stability Ball In Outs 3010
A)Every 1:30/7 Sets 3/0/1/0 Tempo
3/sd BB Step Back Lunges
Alt With
3 DB Biceps Curls
B)Every 1:30/7 Sets 3/0/1/0 Tempo
Alt With
3 BB Skull Crushers
C)12min EMOM
50 DBL Unders
Alt With
10 Burpees
A)10 Sets (Build to your heaviest weight)
2 Hang PWR Clean
2 PWR Clean
B)Every 1:15/7 Sets
3 Prone Grip Pull Ups (3/0/1/0 Tempo)
Alt With
6 DBL KB Swings
C)10min EMOM
Alt With
1 Rope Climb To Rafters