Thursday October 31st 2013

Box Jumps x 10 (get as high as you can)
T2B x MR (without letting go of the bar)

GHD Ham Curls x MR (with 2 self spotted reps)
Weighted Sit Ups x 10

C)Half Mile Run For Time

Wednesday October 30th 2013

A)6 sets 1:30rest
Barbell Chest Press x 6
KB Snatch x 6/sd

B)9minn AMRAP Ladder (2,2,2,4,4,4,6,6,6,?,?,?)
KB Cleans (24/20)
KB Step Back Lunges (24/20)
Hand Release Push Ups (at the bottom of the push up)

Coaches Notes: Do the cleans and lunges on the same side then switch and do them on the other side. Finish with the HR Push Ups 

Friday October 25th 2013

A)PWR High Pull + PWR Clean + Push Jerk + 3 + 3 + 3 x 5
Alt)KB Snatch + KB Single Arm Swing + 4 + 8 x 5

B)PWR High Pull + Squat Clean/Jerk + 3 + 3 x 5
Alt)KB Snatch + KB PWR Clean + Push Press + 5 + 5 + 5 x 5

C)Squat Clean/Jerk + 3 x 5
Alt)KB Squat Clean/Push Jerk +3 x 5

Thursday October 24th 2013

For Time:
50 Wall Balls (20/14)
40 KBS (24/20)
30 T2B 
20 Pull Ups
25 Wall Balls (20/14)
20 KBS (24/20)
15 T2B
10 Pull Ups
15 Burpees

Wednesday October 23rd 2013

A)RE3M/7R Work up to your 4RM
BB Back Squats

B)4 Sets (45 sec in between exercises)
KB Supine Jack Knives x 10
DB Chest Press x 10

C)75 Back Extensions

Tuesday October 22nd 2013

A)1min in between exercises (7 sets)
Push Jerk x 6
Pull Ups x Max Reps

B)1min on 2min off 6rnds
BB Thrusters x 10 (95/65)
Sprint as far as you can for the rest of the minute (your score is how far you can get on all the runs)

Monday October 21st 2013

A)1:30 Rest in between sets (6 sets)
BB DL x 6
Decline Sit Ups or Weighted Sit Ups x 10

B)1-10 For Time:
Clapping Push Ups
Box Jumps (32/28)
Single Arm KB Swings (28/20)

Friday September 18th 2013

Get as heavy as you can for each weighted exercise and max reps for all the body weight exercises.
A)4 Sets (45 sec in between exercises)
Wide Grip Trx Rows x Max Reps
Hand Release Push Ups x Max Reps
Weighted Sit Ups x 10
Jumping Lunges x 10/sd 20 total

B)4 Sets (45 sec in between exercises)
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls x 10
Rotating Planks x 10/sd
Bent Over DB Rows x 10
DBL Unders x 10 or 30 Skips

Thursday October 17th 2013

A)Circuit 5 sets (45sec rest in between exercises)
Leg Press x 10
Donkey Calf Raises x 10

Prone SB Jack Knives x 10
Prone Hamstring Curls x 10

BB Push Press (115/75)
Bar Jump Burpees

Wednesday October 16th 2013

Barbell Pwr Cleans x 4

B)For Reps
5 min Run For Distance
4 min max WBS (20/14)
3 min max box jumps (24/20)
2 min max KBS (24/16)
1 min max T2B
You will get 1 minute rest and transition time between exercises

Tuesday October 15th 2013

A)7 Sets (RE2M)
BB Step Back Lunges (from the front rack) x 10/sd (115/75)

B)12min AMRAP
Pull Ups x 5
Push Ups x 10
Sit Ups x 15

Friday October 11th 2013

A)Work up to your 4RM over 8 sets (Rest 2:30)
BB Back Squats 

B)12min AMRAP 
200m Run (.12)
Max Reps Pull Ups
Once you finish your run start the pull ups doing as many reps as possible without letting go of the bar, once you do, go back to the run and repeat until time runs out. Your final score is how many pull ups you can complete in 12 min

Thursday October 10th 2013

A)As Heavy as you can for weighted exercises and as many reps as you can for body weight exercises. 6 Sets (45sec rest in between exercises)
Ring Dips x Max Reps
Weighted Sit Ups x 10

B)8min AMRAP
KB Turkish Get Ups x 3/sd (20/12)
KB One Arm Swings x 15/sd (20/12)

Wednesday October 9th 2013

A)7rnds of 7reps 2min rest 
BB Push Press (115/75)
Box Jumps (36/32)

B)7rnds of 7reps 2min rest 
SDHP (115/75)

Double Unders x 10

C)DB Ext Rotations +10 x 3

Tuesday October 8th 2013

A)7 sets of (1 min in between exercises)
Pull Ups x Max reps without letting go of the bar
Clapping Push Ups x Max reps without touching your knees to the ground

BB Front Squats (115/75)

Monday October 7th 2013

A)6 Sets as heavy as you can get (RE:2:30)
KB  Clean/Press x 5/sd

B)For Time:
800m Run (.50)
20KBS (32/24)
600m Run (.35)
20KBS (32/24)
400m (.25)
20KBS (32/24)

Friday October 4th 2013

A)8 Sets (do a set every 2min work up to your heaviest weight)
BB Thrusters x 10

Pull Ups
Box Jumps (32/28)

Thursday October 3rd 2013

A)RE2:30/5R (as heavy as you can get)
KB Clean/Double Lunge x 5/sd

B)RE2:30/5R (as heavy as you can get)
Single Arm Swings x 10/sd
Butterfly Sit Ups x 10

C)5/200m Run Sprints

Wednesday October 2nd 2013

A)7 Sets (45sec to 1 min in between exercises)
BB DL x 7 (build up to the heaviest weight you can do)
DB Chest Press x 7 (build up to the heaviest weight you can do)

10 min AMRAP
Trx Rows (Strict Form) x 10
Double Unders x 10
Burpees x 10

Tuesday October 1st 2013

Fight Gone Bad This whole workout is for reps. Spend 1min at each station then moving to the next with no rest. Once done the fifth station take 1min rest and repeat.
3 Rounds
Wall-ball (20/14)
SDHP (75/55)
Box jump (20”)
Push-press (75/55)
Row (Calories)