Friday December 23rd 2016
A)40min EMOM
100' Sled Push
10 Kipping Pull Ups
30sec Ski ERG
30sec Box Jump Overs
Thursday December 22nd 2016
A)Every 1:30/10 Sets
1 Hang Clean/1Hang Squat Clean/2 Push Jerk
(build to a heavy weight)
B)Every 1:30/6 Sets
3 Snatch Grip High Pull @100%1RMSN
C)Every 1:30/5 Sets
5/sd Single Leg Stability Ball Hamstring Curls
Wednesday December 21st 2016
A)Every 1:15/6 Sets
Alt With
30sec Triple or Double Under Practice
B)Every 1:30/6 Sets
2-4 Bar Over Atlas Stone Throws
Alt With
Max Reps Ring Dips
C)For Time: Hang Grip Test
Tuesday December 20th 2016
A)25min AMRAP
10 Cal Bike
10 Front Squats @50%1RMFS
10 T2B
B)5 Sets
10/sd DB External Rotations
Monday December 19th 2016
A)Every 1:15/7 Sets
1 Hang Snatch/1 Snatch Balance/2 OHS Complex
@ 65%1RM Snatch
Alt With
1 Muscle Up/3 DH Pull Ups
B)Every 1:15/7 Sets
3 Bench Press (build to heavy weight)
Alt With
2 Rope Climbs
Friday December 16th 2016
A)Every 2min/10 Sets
1 Hang PWR Clean
2 Touch and Go PWR Cleans
Max Reps HSPU/5 Push Press
Kipping Pull Ups
C)5 Sets
10 Reverse Hyperextensions
Thursday December 15th 2016
A)Every 2min/8 Sets (Build to a heavy set)
3 BB Front Squats
B)Every 1:15/6 Sets
Max Reps Ring Dips
Alt With
100' 2 Hand Farmer Carry C)10sec on 50sec off for 10min Air Bike D)4 Sets 5/sd DB Ext Shoulder Rotation
Alt With
100' 2 Hand Farmer Carry C)10sec on 50sec off for 10min Air Bike D)4 Sets 5/sd DB Ext Shoulder Rotation
Wednesday December 14th 2016
A)45min Constant Work at 75% Intensity
3min Bike
3min Row
5 Hang Squat Snatch try to link reps (50% 1RM) 1:30min Bridge 1:30min Box Jumps
5 Hang Squat Snatch try to link reps (50% 1RM) 1:30min Bridge 1:30min Box Jumps
Tuesday December 13th 2016
A)Every 1:15/6 Sets
5 Military Press
Alt With
2-4 Atlas Stone Lifts B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 2 Rope Climb/5 DH Pull Ups Alt With 6 BB SLDL C)10min EMOM
10 Triple Unders
Alt With
5/sd Single Arm DB Rows
Alt With
2-4 Atlas Stone Lifts B)Every 1:15/6 Sets 2 Rope Climb/5 DH Pull Ups Alt With 6 BB SLDL C)10min EMOM
10 Triple Unders
Alt With
5/sd Single Arm DB Rows
Monday December 12th 2016
A)12min EMOM %75%1RM C+J
2 Clean and Jerk
Alt With
10 T2B
B)8min AMRAP Ladder 2,2,2,4,4,4,6,6,6,8,8,8,ect
BB Front Rack Step Back Lunges 135/95
Bar Jump Burpees
Push Ups
Friday December 9th 2016
A)10 Sets
1 PWR Clean
2 Split Jerk
B)21min EMOM
10 Wall Balls
2 DL/2 Hang Squat Clean @70%1RM Clean
10 T2B
10 T2B
Thursday December 8th 2016
A)Find a 1RM
DH Pull Ups
B)RE90sec/7R (Build to a heavy weight)
5/sd Walking Lunges
Alt with
5 BB Bent Over Rows
C)12min EMOM
10 Leg Drops
10 SB HC
Wednesday December 7th 2016
A)8 Sets
B)9min EMOM (3 sets at 75% 1RM)
2 Touch and Go PWR Snatch
C)10min EMOM
Max Push Ups
50 DBL Unders
Tuesday December 6th 2016
A)48min Constant Movement at 75% Intensity
3min Bike
3min Row
3min Run
1min Step Down Box Jumps
1min KB Russian Swings
30sec L Bridge
30sec R Bridge
Monday December 5th 2015
A)Find a 1RM
1 Hang Clean to Thruster
B)12min EMOM
5 5" Deficit HSPU
5 Prone Grip Wide Grip Rows
C)10min Air Bike at 75% effort
Friday December 2nd 2016
A)Every 1:30/10 Sets
1 PWR Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Jerk
1 Split Jerk
B)Every 2min/8 Sets
5 Back Squats
C)For Time:
50 Burpees
50 Cal Bike
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