Tuesday April 30th 2013

A)Rnd Every 2:30sec 8Rnds
Pull Ups x 10
KB Push Press x 6 (28/20)

B)5/200m Run Sprints (1:30min rest in between)

C)DB Ext Rotations x 10 x 3

Monday April 29th 2013

A) Do a rnd every 2min 6 rnds
BB FS x 8
Push Ups x Max Reps

B) Do a rnd every 2:30sec 6 rnds
T2B x 8
Step Back Lunges x 8/sd

Friday April 25th 2013

A)6 Rnds 1:30sec Rest In between Sets
BB Snatch x 6

B)4 Rnds 1:30sec Rest In Between Sets
Overhead Squats x 6

Ring Dips x 10
Pull Ups x 10

Thursday April 26th 2013

A)Rnd every 1:30sec (4 rnds)
OA KB Swings x 10/sd (24/20)

B) 12 RFT
Pull Ups x 12 or if you have already done them this week then TRX Rows x 12
Wall Balls x 12 (20/14)
Finish With a Half Mile Run

C) 4 sets
DB Ext Rotation x 10

Wednsday April 24th 2013

A) EMOM 6 sets
10 BB Sumo Upright Rows  (115/75)
B)  10-1 For Time: 
Box Jumps (36/32)  
Hanging Toes To Bar
DB Step Back Lunges (50/30)

Tuesday April 23rd 2013

A)Do a round every 2:30sec
until you reach the heaviest weight possible (5rnds)
BB Hang Clean x 6
BB Push Press x 6

B) rnd every 2:30 sec (5rnds)
Pull Ups x Max Reps
BB DL x 6

Monday April 22nd 2013

A)KB Complex
Do a round every 3 min, 6 rounds
Kettlebell Cleans x 6/sd (20/16)
KB Turkish Get Ups  x 3/sd (20/16)

B)9 MIN As high as you can get in the ladder
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Double Unders
Ladder 3,3,6,6,9,9,...

Friday April 19th 2013

A)Keep adding weight so the reps look like this (8,8,6,6,4,4,2,2,1,1,8,8) 1:30sec in between sets
BB Push Press

B)Ass and Abs Annie (50-40-30-20-10)
J. Lunges
Rotating Planks

Thursday April 18th 2013

A)10 rnds of 10 for time:
Push ups
Box jumps

B)1 min in between exercises
BB Front Squats x 8
Muscle Ups x Max Reps

Wednesday April 17th 2013

A)13min Ladder AMRAP 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,?,?,?
BB DL (225/155)
Wall Balls (20/14)
Bar Jump Burpees

B)Do a round every 2:30sec 5 rounds
10 sit ups
20 TT Planks