Thursday October 1st 2020

6 Rev Grip DH Pull Ups 
100' Sled Push B)6R EMOM Cal Row Alt With 15 Butterfly Sit Ups C)6R 6 DB Reverse Flys Alt With 12 Back Ext

Wednesday September 30th 2020

100' Sled Pull
Alt With
6/sd Single Arm DB Push Press B)E1:15/6R 6 Bench Press Alt With 6 DB Incline Rows C)4 Sets 10 Shoulder Touch Elbow Drop Planks 10 T2B

Friday September 25th 2020

 A)50min Constant Work
4xcals Ski 
EMOM Burpee Box Jump Overs 4xcals Row 30 KBS 4xcals Bike 30 Air Squats

Thursday September 24th 2020

3 Bench Press (record wt) 
Alt With 3/sd Step Back Lunges B)E2:30/6R 2 KB Swing Clean/1 Front Squat x 4reps Dips C)5R 10 T2B or Rings 20 TT Planks 20 Rotating Planks

Wednesday September 23rd 2020

3 BB DL (record wt) A)6min EMOM EMOM C2B B)12min EMOM 6 KB Swing Snatch
Alt With EMOM DBL Unders

Tuesday September 22nd 2020

3 4/0/0/0 GHD HC 
Alt With 3 Standing BB Shoulder Press B)21min EMOM 12 BB Jump Squats Rope Climbs (legless decent) HSPU (deficit) C)4R 7/sd RB Int Shoulder Rotation

Monday September 21st 2020

3 Back Squats (record wt) B)E1:30/6R 3/sd Single Arm Ring Rows Alt With 3 Inc BB Chest Press C)2000m Row For Time

Friday September 18th 2020

 A)10min AMRAP
20 Walking Lunges
200' KB Farmer Carry
20 Burpees

5min Rest

B)10min AMRAP
10 PWR Cleans

C)25min Constant Work
5min Ski
5min Row
5min Bike

Thursday September 17th 2020

10/sd DB Split Squats B)6R 10 GHD HC Alt With 10 DB Hammer Curls C)6R 10 STEDP 200' KB FR FC

Wednesday September 16th 2020

 A)18min EMOM
Cal Bike 8 KB Swing Snatch T2B 
B)18min EMOM Cal SKI 50 DBL Unders or Skips 10 Weighted DB Jump Squats

Tuesday September 15th 2020

 A)5 Sets
10 Inc DB CP Alt WIth Prone Grip Pull Ups B)5 Sets 10 Incline Prone KB Rows Alt WIth 10 Parallel Grip DB Skull Crushers B)5 Sets 10 Back Extensions

Friday September 11th 2020

 For Time:
4x Cal Row 
4x EMOM J.Lunges 
4x Cal Bike 4x EMOM Pull Ups 4x Cal Ski 4x EMOM Burpees 5min Rest

Thursday September 10th 2020

8/sd BB Split Squats 
B)E2M/6R 8 Military Press 8 GHD HC C)E2M/6R 8 L SA DB Rows Alt With 8 R SA DB Rows

Wednesday September 9th 2020

A)E2M/7R 8 BB SLDL (build to heavy wt) B)24min EMOM 
T2B 8 Inc DB CP DH Prone Grip Pull Ups Burpees C)4 Sets  
10/sd DB External Shoulder Rotations 

Tuesday September 8th 2020

A) E2M/8R 8 Back Squats 
B)E1:30/9R 1 Hang Squat Clean (above knee) 1 Hang Squat Clean (just below knee) 1 Split jerk C)E2M/5R Wall Walks 
Rope Climbs  

Friday September 4th 2020

A)21min EMOM
8 Box Jumps
50' Rope Sled Pull/50' Rope Sled Pull

B)21min EMOM
Cal Bike
8 DBL KB Swing Snatch
Push Ups

Wednesday September 2nd 2020

4 Swing Cleans 
2 Push Press 4 Swing Cleans 2 Front Squats B)6R 6 INC DB CP 1 Rope Climb (legless decent) C)For Time: 4x Cal Ski 4x Cal Armless Bike 4x Burpees

Tuesday September 1st 2020

100' Sled Pull  
8 Ring Dips/Stationary Dips B)6R DBL Unders 8/sd SA DB Rows C)5R 8 STEDP T2R