Friday January 31st 2014

A)Find a 5RM
BB Step Back Lunges

B)Find a 5RM
BB Front Squat

C)50 Burpees For Time (Compare to Jan 10th)

Thursday January 30th 2014

A)Find a 5RM

B)50-40-30-20-10 For Time:
Wall Balls 20/14
Trx Rows

C)75 Back Extensions

Tuesday January 28th 2014

3min amrap
8 pull ups
8 box jumps (36/28)
90 seconds of
3min amrap
8 Leg Drops
8 Box Jumps (36/28)
90 seconds off
3 cycles

Monday January 25th 2014

1 minute on two minutes off
20 double unders
BB Thrusters (135/95)
Score is your Thrusters

Friday January 24th 2014

A)Find a 4RM
Hang PWR Snatch

3min AMRAP
6 Push Press (115/75)
12 Box Jumps (24/20)
90sec Off
3 Cycles

Thursday January 23rd 2014

Do a round every 3 min, 8 rounds
BB Front Squats x 6 (175/115)
BB Back Squats x 6 (175/115)
BB AB Rollouts x 6

Wednesday January 22nd 2014

Partner Workout For Time:
Partition the repetitions any way that you want but you must complete an exercise before you start the next one.  
1 Mile Run
100 Wall Balls
100 Butterfly Sit Ups 
100 Pull Ups
100 Air Squats (each)
1 Mile Run

Tuesday January 21st 2014

A)RE2M/5R (Build up as heavy as you can)
Push Jerk x 4

B)RE2M/5R (Build up as heavy as you can)
BB Hang Cleans x 4

Push Ups x 5

TRX Rows x 10
KBS x 15 (28/20)

Notes: Compare to Friday November 8th 2013

Friday January 17th 2014

KB Cleans x 6/sd (28/20)
KB Lunges x 12/sd (28/20)

B)6min run for distance

KB Single Arm Swings x 6/sd (28/20)
KB Lunges x 12/sd (28/20)

Thursday January 16th 2014

A)5 Sets
Ring Dips x MR
Weighted Sit Ups x 10

B)5 Sets
Push Ups x MR
KB VSit Core Rotations x 20

C)1000m Row For Time

Wednesday January 15th 2014

A)Work up to your 4RM (hopefully by your 4th or 5th rnd) then do as many 4 rep sets as possible for rest of the 8 sets
BB Back Squats 

B)12min AMRAP 
200m Run (.12)
Max Reps Pull Ups
Once you finish your run start the pull ups doing as many reps as possible without letting go of the bar, once you do, go back to the run and repeat until time runs out. Your final score is how many pull ups you can complete in 12 min

Coaches Notes: Compare to October 11th 2013.

Tuesday January 13th 2014

A)2min AMRAP
6 BB Thrusters (95/55)
12 Double unders
1 min off then
2min AMRAP
6 T2B
12 Push Press (95/55)

4 Cycles

Friday January 10th 2014

A)Find a 3RM
BB Clean + Split Jerk

B)Find a 3RM
BB Back Squat

C)50 Burpees For Time:

Thursday January 9th 2014

A)Work up to your heaviest weight or try and use the smallest band (6rnds)
Weighted Pull Ups x 6

B)12min AMRAP
TRX Rows x 10
Sit Ups x 20
Air Squats x 30

Coaches Notes: Compare conditioning to September 27th 2013

Monday January 6th 2014

A)Work up to your heaviest weight (6rnds)
BB Rront Rack Step Back Lunges x 6/sd

B)4min AMRAP
5 Burpees
10 Pull Ups
20 Wall Balls (20/14)
90sec off

Thursday January 2nd 2014

Barbell Pwr Cleans x 4

B)For Reps
5 min Run For Distance
4 min max WBS (20/14)
3 min max box jumps (24/20)
2 min max KBS (24/16)
1 min max T2B
You will get 1 minute rest and transition time between exercises

Wednesday January 1st 2014

A)KB Complex
Do a round every 3 min, 6 rounds
Kettlebell Cleans x 6/sd (20/16)
KB Turkish Get Ups x 3/sd (20/16)

B)9 MIN As high as you can get in the ladder
Push Ups
Sit Ups
Double Unders
Ladder 3,3,6,6,9,9,...