A)Every 2:30/7 Sets
5 DB 90degree Box Step Ups
B)Every 2:30/6 Sets (build to a heavy wt)
10 Bent Over BB Rows
6-8/sd Prone Bridge DB Drag
100' Sled Push
15 Back Extensions
A)Every 2:30/7 Sets
5 DB 90degree Box Step Ups
B)Every 2:30/6 Sets (build to a heavy wt)
10 Bent Over BB Rows
6-8/sd Prone Bridge DB Drag
100' Sled Push
15 Back Extensions
5/sd DB Split Squats
B)12min EMOM
300' Run Sprints
Alt With
15' Hanstand Walk/HSPU/Position
C)12min EMOM (AHAP)
6 Left Arm KB Bent Over Rows
Alt With
6 Right Arm KB Bent Over Rows