Friday September 30th 2016

A)8 Sets

B)Every 1:30/6 Sets
5 Dips
Alt With
5/sd Single Arm DB Rows

C)5 Sets
30sec L Bridge
30sec R Bridge
30sec Front Bridge
1min Rest

Thursday September 29th 2016

A)10 Sets
1 Hang Clean
1 Thruster
1 Push Jerk
1 Split Jerk

B)12min EMOM
300' Run
10 GHD Sit Ups

C)12min EMOM
5 Kipping Pull Ups
30 DBL Unders

Wednesday September 28th 2016

A)Every 1:30/10 Sets
2 Snatch

B)Every 2min/7 Sets
5/sd DB Step Forward Lunges

C)Every 1:15/6 Sets
Alt With
10 Hanging Knees To Elbows

Tuesday September 27th 2016

A)20min AMRAP
25 Cal Air Bike
25 KBS 32/24
25 Push Ups
25 Box Jumps
25 Burpees

B)Every 1:30/6 Sets
5 Back Extensions

Thursday September 22nd 2016

A)Every 1:30/8 Sets
6 BB  Stiff Leg Deadlifts

B)20min AMRAP
1 Rope Climb/or 10 Ring Rows
10 Push Ups
20 Cal Bike

Wednesday September 21st 2016

A)Every 2min/8 Sets
3 Front Squats

B)Every 1:30/8 Sets
3/sd Single Arm KB Cleans

C)15min EMOM
100' L Hand Farmer Carry
100' R Hand Farmer Carry
10  Burpees

Tuesday September 20th 2016

A)Every 1:30/6 Sets
6 DB Shoulder Press
Alt With
12  Stability Ball Hamstring Curls

B)12min EMOM
15 Wall Balls 20/14
Alt with
10 Pull Ups

C)12min EMOM
10 KBS 32/28
45sec Front Bridge

Monday September 19th 2016

A)Every 2min/8 Sets (build to a heavy weight)
6 Back Squats

B)Every 1:30/6 Sets
6 Bench Press
Alternate with
Reverse Crunches with Leg Drop

C)5min Max DBL Unders

Friday September 16th 2016

A)1-10 For Time:
Box Jumps 24/30

B)Every 1:15/6 Sets
10 Sit Ups
5/sd KB Cleans 40/28

C)10min EMOM
10 Stability Ball Hamstring Curls
Alt With
10 Ring Rows

Thursday September 15th 2016

A)8 Sets

5 Ring Dips
alt with
2 Rope Climb to 15ft

30sec L side bridge
30sec R side bridge
30sec front bridge
1min rest

Wednesday September 14th 2016

A)32min EMOM
1 snatch/5 OHS 95/55
5 Touch and go PWR Cleans
5 Thrusters  95/55
5 Bar Jump Burpees

Tuesday September 13th 2016

A)Every 1:15/7 Sets
3 DH Chest to bar pull ups
Alt With
45sec Bridge

B)Every 1:15/6 Sets
10 T2B
Alt With
20 J.Lunges

C)Bike Sprints
30sec on (high intensity) 90sec off/7rnds

Monday September 12th 2016

A)Find a 1RM
Front Squat

B)Every 1:30/8 Sets
2 Split Jerk

C)12min EMOM
300' Shuttle Run
15 Push Ups

Friday September 9th 2016

A)Every 2min/8 Sets
3 Back Squats

B)Every 1:15/7 Sets
3 DB Shoulder Press
Alt With
3 DB Biceps Curls

C)Every 2:30/5 Sets
10/sd Weighted Side Plank Hip Lifts
10 Leg Drops

Thursday September 8th 2016

A)Every 1:30/6 Sets
3/sd Single Leg Stiff Leg Deadlifts
Alt With
3 DB Skull Crushers

B)Every 1:30/6 Sets
6/sd Single Leg Calf Raises
Alt With
6 Back Extensions

C)7min EMOM
50 DBL Unders

Wednesday September 7th 2016

A)10min Row
Then 10min EMOM
10 Push Press
10 Ring Rows

B)10min Bike
Then 10min EMOM
10 Wall Balls
10 Kipping Pull Ups

Tuesday September 6th 2016

A)Every  1:30/10 sets
3 Touch and Go PWR Snatch

B)Every 1:15/6 Sets
3/sd DB Step Back Lunges
Alt With
12 T2B

C)Every 1:15/6 Sets
3 BB Chest Press
Alt With
30 Rotating Planks

Friday September 2nd 2016

A)@ Moderate Intensity
18min of:
3min Ski Erg
3min AMRAP (5 Pull Ups, 5 Push Ups, 10 Air Squats
Then 18min of:
3min Run
3min AMRAP(10 Box Jumps, 10 Sit  Ups)