A)Muscle Up Work or 6 Sets of Max Rep Pull Ups B)21-18-15-12-9-6-3 For Time: Box Jumps (24/20) Wall Balls (20/14) Sit Ups Notes: Post your results in comments. Compare to Tuesday September 17th
A)1min to complete: 10 DBL Unders Then as many BB Front Rack Step Back Lunges (135/95) as possible with the rest of the minute 1min rest then 1min to complete: 10 DBL Unders Then as many BB Front Squats (135/95) as possible with the rest of the minute 1min rest then repeat 6 Cycles Your score is the total amount of Lunges and Front Squats you do for all 6 cycles
A)RE2M/8R (build up to your heaviest weight)
BB Hang PWR Cleans x 5
B)Circuit Training (45sec in between exercises, 4 sets)
Leg Extensions x 10
Prone Hamstring Curls x 10
Prone SB Jack Knives x 15
Seated Cable Rows x 10