Thursday May 29th 2014

A)Find a 5RM

B)50-40-30-20-10 For Time:
Wall Balls 20/14
Trx Rows

C)75 Back Extensions

Tuesday May 27th 2014

3min amrap
8 pull ups
8 box jumps (36/28)
90 seconds of
3min amrap
8 Leg Drops
8 Box Jumps (36/28)
90 seconds off
3 cycles

Monday May 26th 2014

1 minute on two minutes off
20 double unders
BB Thrusters (135/95)
Score is your Thrusters

Friday May 23rd 2014

Do a round every 3 min, 8 rounds
BB Front Squats x 6 (175/115)
BB Back Squats x 6 (175/115)
BB AB Rollouts x 6

Thursday May 22nd 2014

Partner Workout For Time:
Partition the repetitions any way that you want but you must complete an exercise before you start the next one.  
1 Mile Run
100 Wall Balls
100 Butterfly Sit Ups 
100 Pull Ups
100 Air Squats (each)
1 Mile Run

Friday May 16th 2014

8 Box Jumps
8 Push Press
8 TRX Rows
1 Min Rest
Once Finished 8th RND
800m Run (.5 mi)

Thursday May 15th 2014

A)7 Sets
BB Back Squats x 8
Supine Jack Knives x 16

B)7 Sets
Bent Over KB Rows x 8
Prone Knees To Elbows x 30

C)6min AMRAP
6 KB Snatch/sd 28/20
12 Burpees

Wednesday May 14th 2014

A)20min AMRAP
5 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups
15 Air Squats
20 DBL Unders

B)4 Sets
Back Extensions x 8

Tuesday May 13th 2014

A)6 Sets
Push Jerk x 5

B)6 Sets
Hang Cleans x 5

C)4 Sets
Clean Grip High Pull x 5

Monday May 12th 2014

A)2min rest 7sets
BB Overhead Squats x 10

B)For Time: 

20 Wall Balls (20/14)  
20 KBS 28/20 
30 Wall Balls   
30 KBS
40 Wall Balls
40 KBS

B) Core Work

Friday May 9th 2014

A)Find a 5RM
Dead Hang Weighted Pull Ups

B)12min AMRAP
10/sd BB Front Rack Step Back Lunges 135/95
20 Trx Rows

20 Supine Jack Knives (16kg/12kg)
30 Rotating Planks

Wednesday May 7th 2014

A)3min AMRAP
20 Wall Balls 20/14
20 KBS 24/16
90sec off then
3min AMRAP
20 Box Jumps 24/20
20 Vsit Med Ball Twists 20/14
90sec off
3 cycles

Monday May 5th 2014

A)8 sets (1min rest)
BB Back Squats x 4
T2B x Max Reps without letting go of the bar

KB Cleans x 6/sd (32/24)
Hand Release Push Ups x 6
Finish with a half mile run at the end of the 6th set

Friday May 2nd 2014

For Time:
100 J.Lunges
90 Sit Ups
80 Push Ups
70 Pull Ups
60 Air Squats
50 J.Lunges
40 Sit Ups
30 Push Ups
20 Pull Ups
10 Air Squats