Thursday February 27th 2014

A)For Time:
90 KBS (28/20)
80 DBL Unders
70 Wall Balls (20/14)
60 KBS (28/20) 
50 DBL Unders
40 Wall Balls (20/14)
30 KBS (28/20) 
20 DBL Unders

10 Wall Balls (20/14) 

B)4 Sets 
Weighted Sit Ups x 10 (as heavy as you can do)

Tuesday February 25th 2014

A)2min AMRAP
6 BB Thrusters (95/65)
12 Double unders
1 min off then
2min AMRAP
12 Push Press (95/65)
4 Cycles

Notes: Compare to Jan 13th 2014

Monday February 24th 2014

A)6 Sets
BB DL x 6
Clapping Push Ups x Max Reps

B)6 Sets
BB Front Rack Step Back Lunges x 10/sd
DB CP x 6

C)4 Sets
KB Supine Jack Knive With Rev Crunch x 10
KB Twists x 30

Friday February 21st 2014

A)6 Sets
6 KB Snatch
12 KB Swings

B)13min AMRAP
12 Pull Ups
24 Wall Balls
200m Run (.12mi)


Thursday February 20th 2014

A)6 sets (1min in between exercises)
BB DL x 5
Chest to Floor Push Ups x Max Reps

B)6 sets (1min in between exercises)
BB Front Rack Step Back Lunges x 5/sd
Rev Crunches x 10

C)1000m Row For Time:

Tuesday February 18th 2014

A)Find a 3RM
KB Turkish Get Ups

B)4min AMRAP
5 Clapping Push Ups
10 BB Front Squats 155/115
20 DBL Unders
2min Rest
4 Cycles


Friday February 14th 2014

A)Find a 5RM
Dead Hang Weighted Pull Ups

B)12min AMRAP
10/sd BB Front Rack Step Back Lunges 135/95
20 Trx Rows

20 Supine Jack Knives (16kg/12kg)
30 Rotating Planks

Wednesday February 12th 2014

A)3min AMRAP
20 Wall Balls 20/14
20 KBS 24/16
90sec off then
3min AMRAP
20 Box Jumps 24/20
20 Vsit Med Ball Twists 20/14
90sec off
3 cycles

Tuesday February 11th 2014

A)Push Jerk + 5 x 6

B)Bent Over BB Rows + 5 x 6

C)10-1 For Time:
Pull Ups

Notes:Compare with Nov 26th and Oct 28th

Monday February 10th 2014

A)8 sets (1min rest)
BB Back Squats x 4
T2B x Max Reps without letting go of the bar

KB Cleans x 6/sd (32/24)
Hand Release Push Ups x 6
Finish with a half mile run at the end of the 6th set

Notes:Compare with Nov 25th 2013 and July 18th 2013.

Wednesday February 5th 2014

3min AMRAP
6 BB Front Rack Step Back Lunges/sd (135/95)
6 Burpees
90sec off
3min AMRAP
12 Front Squats (135/95)
6 Burpees
90sec off
3 Cycles

Tuesday February 4th 2014

A)For Time:
200 Double Unders
100 Sit-Ups
80 Push Ups
60 Air Squats
40 Pull Ups
20 Toes To Bar
10 Ring Muscle Ups

Notes:Compare to Dec 12th 2013