Thursday October 29th 2015

A)8 Sets
1 Clean
1 Front Squat
2 Push Jerk

B)15min EMOM
3 Clean Grip High Pull
50 DBL Unders
10 Push Ups

Wednesday October 28th 2015

A)10 Sets
1 Hang Snatch
1 PWR Snatch
1 Snatch

B)8 Sets
5 Bent Over BB Rows
10 T2B

Tuesday October 27th 2015

A)8 Sets
5/sd DB Lunges
5 Bench Press

B)8 Sets
5 DB Biceps Curls

C)4 Sets
5/sd DB Ext Shoulder Rotation

Monday October 25th 2015

A)10 Sets2 Clean and Split Jerk

B)8min AMRAP Ladder 1,1,2,2,3,3,ectPull UpsBurpee Box Jumps 30/24

C)5 Sets (one min on, one min off)Plank Hold

Thursday October 22nd 2015

2 Rope Climbs


10 T2B
10/sd SPHL

Friday October 23rd 2015

Build to a difficult 5 rep thruster weight then begin:
5 thrusters
5/sd Front Rack Alternating Step Back Lunges
5 Back Squat
5 Bar Jump Burpees
Rest 2min
6 Sets

Wednesday October 21st 2015

2 PWR Snatch
Alt With
30 DBL Unders

50' Sled Push @ twice body weight
10 Burpees

Monday October 19th 2015

A)8 Sets
5 Front Squat

B)16min EMOM
15 Wall Balls 20/14
5 Muscle Ups
15 Box Jumps 24/20
15 Americano's 24/16

Friday October 16th 2015

A)Do an exercise every 90sec circuit style 6rnds:
5 Back Squats w the Chains
5/sd DB Single Leg Calf Raises
5/sd DB Step Back Lunges
5 DBL Kettlebell Swing Snatch

B)2000m row medium intensity

Thursday October 15th 2015

A)RE90sec/7R (alternating)
5/sd Single Arm Rows
Alternate with
5 Weighted Triceps Dips

5 DB Biceps Curls

Wednesday October 14th 2015

32min EMOM
Sprint 100m
10 Pull Ups
6 Burpees
5 OHS (Via Snatch)

B)4 Sets
5/sd RB 90degree Ext Shoulder Rotations

Tuesday October 13th 2015

1 PWR Clean
1 Clean
1 Push Jerk
1 Split Jerk

5 Bench Press
5 Weighted Sit Ups

Friday October 9th 2015

A)10 Sets
2 Cleans

5 Calf Raises
5 GHD or 10 SBHC

C)4 Sets
5/sd Seated DB Ext Shoulder Rotation

Thursday October 8th 2015

A)20min AMRAP
20 Cal Air Bike
20 KBS 24/16
20 Wall Balls 20/14

B)5 Sets
10 Back Extensions

Wednesday October 7th 2015

A)8 Sets
5 Front Squat

B)15min EMOM
15 Ring Rows
10 Box Jumps
10 Biceps Curls

C)4 Sets
10/sd SPHL
20 Rotating Planks

Tuesday October 6th 2015

A)8 Sets
1 Push Press
1 Push Jerk
1 Split Jerk

B)24min EMOM
3 PWR Snatch
6 Burpees
12 Kipping Pull Ups

Monday October 5th 2015

A)7 Sets (RE3min)
5/sd DB Split Squats
50 DBL Unders

B)14min Alternating EMOM
10 Push Ups
10 T2Bar or Rings

C)4 Sets
90degree Ext Shoulder Rotation